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[Creativity] Creativity and The role of the Leader
IKS 2014.06.11 642
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 Creativity and The role of the Leader는 

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In today’s innovation-driven economy,

understanding how to generate great ideas is an urgent managerial priority. And that

calls for major doses of creativity.

But many leaders assume creativity is too elusive and intangible to be managed.

It’s true that you can’t manage creativity.

But you can manage for creativity, say innovation leaders and experts who participated

in a 2008 Harvard Business School colloquium. Among their recommendations for fostering the conditions in which

creativity flourishes:

• Stop thinking of yourself as the wellspring

of ideas that employees execute.

Instead, elicit and champion others’ideas.

• Open your organization to diverse

perspectives—by getting people of

different disciplines, backgrounds, and

areas of expertise to share their thinking.

• Know when to impose controls on the

creative process (such as during the

commercialization phase) and when not

to (during early-idea generation

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